Central Oregon Resource Directory Launched in Response to COVID-19

The Central Oregon Resource Directory (CORD) launched Friday in response to the need for centralized information in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. The website features resources by category (such as “Food & Supplies” and “Transportation & Delivery”) and by town, from Warm Springs to La Pine. Visit the site at CentralOregonResources.org.

“We are in regular contact with other organizations making their own resource pages and have no intention of competing with them,” says Donna Mills, Executive Director of the Central Oregon Health Council. “We link directly to their pages because they are the experts in their area. Our intent is to collect the whole library of resources that are available in one place so they can be easily found by the people who need them. We are here to direct traffic.” The CORD website connects visitors to the best sources of information available, including NeighborImpact’s current list of food bank operating hours and locations, the Central Oregon SOS page for businesses & employees affected by the crisis, and the Central Oregon Independent Practice Association’s information page for clinics and providers who want to get their patients tested.

The site is brand new and more resources are being added daily. If you know of a resource that is not listed there, please visit CentralOregonResources.org and click “Submit a Resource”.

The CORD website was created by the Central Oregon Health Council at the request of Incident Command, who saw a need for a centralized resource hub. The site also features a news feed where visitors can sign up for daily updates.