Craig’s Compassionate Cafe

Redemption House Ministries (RHM) is proud to operate Craig’s Compassionate Cafe, which is the only hot meal service available five days a week at no cost to homeless and low-income residents of Crook County. The cafe is successful primarily due to a unique collaboration with the Prineville Church of the Nazarene, which donates the cafe kitchen facility and space for the women’s shelter; Facebook Data Center, which supplies the cafe with the extra food they are unable to serve at their daily meals and keeps our food costs down; and a group of dedicated volunteers. RHM desires to increase the number of meals it serves by expanding meal service to six days a week and will hire a cafe manager to expand our outreach to the community. Most important, during meal service times our case manager/housing navigator will be available to meet with our guests and link them to other community resources available to assist them in their self-sufficiency goals and reduce food insecurity.